Inviting creatives from a diversity of contexts, disciplines and identities to incubate their work within a wide and prescient global theme that needs creative re-imagining

from climate scientists • to neurologists • to community activists • to political analysts • to systems designers

Fellows will be invited to join in residence at the Holes in the Wall Collective Center for Creative Research, Reflection & Action to incubate their work while relating to the work of the other fellows.  HWC will curate a wide and diverse group, bringing together a width of perspective, knowledge and intelligence to the years theme.

Fellows will be housed by Holes in the Wall Collective, matching the fellows' work with other creatives across fields and disciplines. We encourage creative cross-over to happen organically in collective spaces,  and will hold weekly round-tables in the Emergence Room for people to share their work and offer feedback, critique and perspective. We intend to partner with guest curators, to invite participants in their respective specialty– widening representation and access.

Commencing with our 2020 theme:  C H A N G E  T H E  C L I M A T E . . .
we may just invite:
